Accurately and expediently report your current hedge positions against your forecasted future production. Forecast your future cash flow in a variety of commodity price or interest rate environments and through live pricing feeds. Determine your monthly derivative settlements.
"Enerpact makes it easy for smaller companies to get around the need for in-house development expertise." - FIELDDIRECT PRODUCT MANAGER
Many E&P companies use derivatives to manage their cash flows and price exposure. Reporting derivative positions and managing risk profiles is critical. Regulatory agencies, Boards of Directors and executive management demand more focus.
Take control of your portfolio and leave error-prone, labor-intensive spreadsheets behind.
Gain greater visibility into the size and scope of your hedge program. Compare actuals to forecasts in real-time. Automatically calculate your percent hedged based on your reserves or bank covenants. Get your hedges out of spreadsheets and into a fully functional reporting tool. Forecast from real-time, accurate pricing data while allowing for countless scenarios.
Derivative Management delivers easy and accurate position reporting and monthly cash flow forecasting. The tool accommodates swaps, collars and puts for crude oil, natural gas, the full natural gas liquids (NGL) stream and interest rates.
Estimate your monthly case settlements by counterparty and commodity through live price feeds. Import your reserves to help forecast future production available for hedging. Easily input new trades and view existing ones through an intuitive web interface. Input your NGL mix to determine your components available for direct hedging or input your NGL differential for ‘dirty’ hedging. Segment and analyze data by region, asset, reserve category and more.
Export your volumes and prices directly to Excel for your models and analysis. Manage multiple reserves scenarios and hedging profiles across multiple client companies or partnership entities. Spend more time on value-added analysis and less time creating and reconciling complex spreadsheet reports.
"We will merge actuals, current models and forecasts from reserves for better cash and financial forecasting." - ENERVEST DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND ANALYSIS
Report your derivative positions by fund, asset or partnership company. Create organized expert reports and share them easily throughout the organization as needed. Customize your reports to your needs and rely on their accuracy for your press releases. Report your consolidated positions on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, by commodity, by counterparty. Maintain an up-to-date database with your position and settlements for easy auditing. Export reports to Excel while retaining format and formulas.